The stars watch over all coldly indifferent to everything their apathy casting a cold glow across this mortal earth emotionless and eternally still in the heavens love, humor, irony all this is loss on them Somewhere off in the distance a woman cries a young widow that has buried her children and watched as her husband left forever she survives on a hand to mouth existence doing whatever she needs to so that she won't starve and her soul burns with a quiet strength her will is strong and resolute But all this means nothing to the stars her cries fall on deaf ears her plight is lost on them and the stars watch on Somewhere off in the distance a man laughs sitting atop a rich financial empire an empire made on the backs of the poor drinking wine from a fine crystal glass dining with a woman as cold as he he has stepped over endless people all while climbing up and has only looked back to spit on them But still the stars are unmoved his ruthless heart means nothing to them his life of sin is met only with indifference and the stars watch on Somewhere off in the distance a boy dances holding his angel close to him murmuring sweet nothings in her air softly caressing her delicate lips his soul filled with nothing but love his eyes glowing with delight for him heaven is where his angel is and nothing could ever be better But the stars could care less his love is nothing to them his angel nothing as well and the stars watch on Watching with a cold gaze not caring whether the woman succeeds not caring whether the man steps over hundreds more not caring whether the boy will stay with his angel for this is their nature this apathy is all they know and for now and forever more all they will do is watch. by, WPHUNG (Stargazer) Send any comments my way at © 1998 Smile in the Dark Productions